Sometimes I wish I could use magic in life's battles. My recent battles include fraudulent charges to my US bank account (and also the telecommuter who fell asleep on me while I was reporting my case - not kidding!), an unrepaired Averatec laptop I've been trying to get the lousy company to fix for over a year (and now the warranty has expired which has caused more problems!), inaccurate changes made by an unreasonable user to the content of the Wikipedia page about me (he even managed to block me, ME, from correcting his mistakes!) and a show that had standards measured up against a very different and questionable set of principles.

I'm not sure I see it in a totally negative light even though all of it combined does get me down at times. I see it as a difference I can make in the world, for myself and for others. I guess life is never free from problems whether it comes in the form of injustice, prejudice, racism or corruption. These issues have been around throughout history and will continue to be around through different circumstances in our ever-changing world. If there aren't fighters for the right causes, the world would truly be an unpleasant place to live in. Reason has many shades. Learn to look at all of them before you choose your battles! And it's fine if you don't. The world will also benefit from peace lovers =)