Yesterday, I walked past the audition for the third season of Singapore Idol. Four thousand people were in line waiting for their voices to be heard.
Many years back, I stood in that line. What is it about the stage that draws people? The fame? The attention? Like me, many others have had their turn to seduce people into voting for them. What's happened to them now? What's happened to me?
hope was for those people in line to take away as many positives from the experience as possible. Nothing else is guaranteed, not especially fame. Fame is too fleeting. It only sticks around if you feed it relentlessly. News is like pastry. It's only good for about a day.
Am I bitter? Hell no! I'm still lucky enough to be performing on stage. But I don't do it for the votes or the judges (least of all the unconstructive Singaporean ones) or to be adored. I do it to communicate - to tickle, entertain, motivate, share and discover (among other good reasons). Any recognition would be a bonus. Any of these pictures of me ring a bell? Didn't think so! ;P