It has been such a self-discovery working on my current play. I enjoy working on productions like this, but they don't come often. This particular one is about Manhood. It's the latest offering from Action Theatre to be staged from Sept 9-19 this year. It examines the definitions of a man from all perspectives... well, as many as we could put into a show.

We have such a great team of people - only four actors, Lim Yu Beng, Claude Girardi, Josephine Tan and myself. Our brilliant director Samantha Scott-Blackhall has allowed for very open discussions in rehearsals and Desmond Sim, the writer, has been very generous with script changes as well.

All in all, I expect it to be a very entertaining evening for everyone. I've learnt so much about myself and my own attitudes about men. About how different and yet similar we actually are. Okay, I'm starting to get philosophical. Just come watch the show for yourself and let us provoke and entertain you with penis jokes, what we think about women, being gay in a straight world, being a father and everything else that men have trouble talking about openly.