Stereotypes have been discussed to death. They definitely help to make sense of the world around us. But sometimes they can also impair our judgment and no matter how we try not to be influenced by them, most of us find difficulty steering clear. I've got a kind of blues I term as 'The Little Boy Blues'... sort of a Dorian Gray syndrome almost. I look younger than I actually am. For a good part of my life it was okay but lately it's proving to be challenging.

While trying to visit a friend, I was recently stopped on my way into some residential property. The guard at his post beckoned me demeaningly with a finger. After I listened to him tell me it was private property and that I shouldn't just walk in, I told him I was an invited guest that did not see any sign to 'check in'.

I was quite sure that if I were an elderly man, a sexy girl or more formally dressed he would have treated me with more respect. Nonetheless, I sucked it in and explained that his post was poorly positioned in the middle of the road and that it didn't look like I could talk through the seamless glass that covered the front of his booth. He was insistent and told me it was common knowledge that in Singapore you always have to stop by the guard post.

That was it! I refused to be talked down to so I let him have it and told him that no matter what, a visitor still deserves to be treated with respect and not beckoned like a dog. When he realised I was not the little pushover boy that I looked, he finally apologized.
Don't let people pidgeonhole you. Stand your ground and put THEM back in their place. Even if you have to roar surround sound.