The phrase "I owe you one!" is commonly used because people feel obliged to return a favour. Favours are very interesting things. From my experience, it can get rather complicated. Does it mean I avoid asking for favours? I really try not to but no man is an island, and at some point everyone could use a favour or two.

Unfortunately, different people have different ideas about favours. "I owe you one" is definitely a common standard. And that's okay. After all, psychologists believe people aren't naturally altruistic. But when it comes down to performing a favour, it's difficult to determine where the line is drawn.

Some people agree to favours but lack the commitment so the quality of the favour suffers. Other favours aren't clearly spelt out in the beginning and can grow into an enormous task. Resentment and the breakdown of friendships can result. Personally, I think twice about asking for a favour or doing one. And it's always best to definite them clearly and only commit to them if you can ensure it won't be half-assed (sorry couldn't think of a better word). If you can't commit... don't do it.

When was the last time you did someone a favour in the true sense of the word and not expected anything in return? Try it! If everyone looked at favours that way, there would be no awkward obligation to return them. But of course don't take them for granted.