I'm not one to dash to openings of new places. I have yet to visit the Southern Ridges, the 9 kilometre chain connecting four national parks in Singapore. I was also slow to visit Changi Airport's Terminal 3, but my kind secondary school friend drove me there recently. It almost felt like a new mall - clean, pretty and spacious. There was even a station where you could place paper over wooden artwork and shade the image through with a crayon. As you can see, I used more than one crayon.

I enjoyed my time there exploring shops like Candy Empire and Popeye's (first one I've seen in Singapore). I like how much more you can look into the transit area.

There were two recent McDonald's scares. One about maggots in their Curry Sauce and another about baby rats falling from the ceiling of an outlet. I thought the timing was quite uncanny because I also had my own scare with a 100 plus bottle I purchased. It's not very clear in the picture but there are black spots fused to the bottle on the inside. A series of calls led me to the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore. I didn't even know we had a division like this! Well done Singapore! (except for the fact that some people who worked there couldn't pronounce "veterinary"... tsk!)

While on the subject of food, here's introducing my Portable Show Candy Snack "Bar". It's never empty even though I share it with everyone around me when I'm in a production. And the best part is, none of the stuff in it is anything I've bought. Everything was a gift from someone else. How sweet isn't it? I feel so loved!
Just got a call from the AFV about the 100 plus bottle. The bottle is with the manufacturer and they've figured it was a manufacturing defect with the bottle making machine. It is an isolated case. In any case, they will let me know if there were any signs of contamination in about two weeks time.
Yes, you are very loved!
And wow, it's time for me to pay a visit to T3 as well.
Love your blog :)
I haven't heard back from the AFV which I now realise is actually the AVA. But I don't blame them. They are all over the news dealing with milk contamination in products from China. Go AVA!
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