Whenever life slows down a little, I tell myself it's a much deserved break. But too often I'm reminded of the list of things I have to "catch up" on - reading, movies, friends, clearing emails, organising digital pics, etc. Have I ever caught up with everything? Never.

It occurred to me that I had to make some firm choices if I desired to make better use of my time and only deal with what I really wanted or needed to deal with. My life would be simpler that way.

I guess it has to do with greed. I keep everything and anything that has the slightest ounce of sentimental value or that might be of potential use. It's only natural. But I'm beginning to think that the gatekeeping can be done much earlier on. After all, how much can we take with us to our graves?

I'm not saying we should go against our human desires, throw out everything, ditch our friends and all be robots without souls, in the effort to make the most of time. I still want to enjoy the experience of learning, possessing something of value, being entertained, engaging in idle chatter - all those things. But I want to do it selectively.

Now, as I sort through videos, pictures, magazines, paper, I store the ones I want to keep digitally. I'm less keen in receiving tangible (worse still: ornamental gifts). Some day I plan to give or sell the collector items I own. One day I hope to grow the food I eat, only use the water I collect and consume the energy generated from my solar-panelled roof. This simplifying one's life philosophy also agrees with the environment. It can't be too bad a thing.