Some people believe humans were once apes. If that were true, then evolution began even further back from now. We've certainly come a long way. Evolving beyond just physical attributes, we built communities and developed new technology. This was simultaneous to yet another evolution - an intrinsic one. We found religion and art and discovered what they did for our souls.

Today, with the power to access knowledge via the internet, I believe there is yet another kind of evolution. We try to become our own doctors, hairdresssers, computer repairmen, plumbers, film-makers; and find more success than we have ever had before, narrowing the gap between the layman and the true professionals, who must strive to stay above it.

I'll have to admit, I want to do it all. I've tried cutting my own hair. I've stared long and hard at the tiny print on instructions manuals on how to construct your computer from scratch. I designed my own website. Through my own efforts, I edited together my showreel. I've also prescribed my own medicine.

My latest "occupation" would have to be the aspiration of becoming a novelist. I spent a little over a month creating characters and plotting their journeys with the furious fluttering of my fingers on a keyboard. Would this "novel" be deemed as true as a professional's? The truth remains to be seen, but the experience is something no one can discount.
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