It’s a funny thing… to think you know someone. I know you because you’ve been on TV. I know you because we have great chemistry. I know you because we have mutual friends. I know you because you are my reflection. How well do we really know the people around us, much less ourselves? Which leads to how much do we really reveal about ourselves?
I lost my brother in October. I realised how much I didn't know him until after his death. Circumstances made me have to read some of his messages to people, sort through his favourite music on his music player and meet his friends. I learnt many new things about him. Part of what I'm saying is don't wait till someone is gone to realise you didn't make the time or effort to get to know a person. The other part of it is, sometimes people don't necessarily reveal to you everything about themselves and that's just the way things are. But the bigger question is... do you know who YOU are? Have you taken the time to understand yourself? And are there things you feel you should share to the people who matter? Don't rob yourself of these chances.
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