Excuse my absence! I used to just blog to express myself but lately I have been vloging on Youtube, Tweeting, updating my Facebook status or sharing links. I'm loving how technology has improved my life. I can grab a quick drink because the bus app on my phone tells me my bus isn't coming for another ten minutes. The taxi I booked through the taxi app gets lost on its way to my destination, but I am able to navigate the driver with my phone map. I can clear emails on the move before I get home so that when I do, I have the time to shut the lights off, lie in bed and snuggle up with good ebook on my tablet. By the way, I manage all my email addresses through my Gmail account.

My room is less cluttered now and more organised because I have more space from scanning, digitizing and throwing out the piles of paper and documents I stored physically. What's great is that now I can do a quick keyword search on my computer to recover any document. I do the same for photos and movies.

My to-do-list is in Dropbox which I can refer to or update from my phone, tablet, laptop or desktop and it will always stay synced. On Evernote, I keep a list of what's where in my room with additional photos, audio notes and videos to help me remember in greater detail.

These are only a few examples of how learning and incorporating technology into my life has enhanced it. It's important to not let it control you though. Back up your digital data for example. Take the time to understand it so that it can serve you and so you don't end up being a slave to it. Also be aware of how you are dependent on it, so that if you don't have it anymore or if it changes, you are able to adjust accordingly.
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